The Haa is open from mid April to the end of September.
The Haa facilities include toilets, local information and tea or coffee making.
Funded by Museums and Galleries Scotland
The Haa has a four star museum rating from Visit Scotland.
Tangwick Haa stone work underneath the letters

The museum trustees wish to express thanks for previous and ongoing support of the following organisations :

The Shetland Amenity Trust
Museums and Galleries Scotland
Bannock ShieldSmall

The Shetland Amenity Trust for the original renovation of the Haa and extension and for their annual support towards running costs.

Museums and Galleries Scotland for their grant towards the production of the website.

The Big Bannock for the donation in support of production of the website.

Thanks are due for the contributions from many people, over the years, to the exhibitions, displays, information and genealogy held in the museum.

Thanks also to Eileen Mullay for providing many of the photographs used in this website and  to Emily Robertson for her Eshaness photographs.

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